MOOG Minimoog Voyager

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The MINIMOOG VOYAGER monophonic analog performance synthesizer. It incorporates virtually all of the sound resources and functions of the original Model D Minimoog, which was produced by Moog Music, Inc.

• three dimensional touch surface,
• MIDI IN and MIDI OUT implementation, extensive patching facilities
• The signal path starts with a bank of three wide-range, high-stability voltage controlled oscillators, one noise source, and one audio preamplifier for externally-applied audio signals.
• The sound modifiers are two Moog filters and one stereo VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier). Modulation sources are two ADSR (Attack Decay Sustain Release) envelope generators and one multiwaveform LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator).
• Control devices include a 44-key keyboard with velocity and afterpressure outputs, pitch bend and modulation wheels, control/pedal input jacks.